Monday, March 3, 2008

old & frail

i'm 10 days from living 28 years. for 27 years I had very few ailments or injuries. a few broken bones, a few sinus infections, a couple of upset stomachs, and a teenage bout with acne. but not much more than that.

over this last year i've realized my body is getting old and falling apart. back problems - my own fault through incorrect posture, the worst twelve hours of my life - from the toilets point-of-view anyway, and now my ears.

it started as swimmer's ear, a day before I began swimming. as of now, three weeks later, the swimmer's ear has passed but some sort of fluid (why the h is there even fluid back there?) won't drain from behind my ears. this doesn't hurt, but I can only barely hear in my right ear and my left ear comes and goes.

this has put an indefinite hold on learning to dive. but it has also made me consider that this may be the turning point. perhaps it is my time to grow old. pain-pills, soreness-ointment, wrinkles-moisturizer - bring it all on. this next year, year number 29, I am going to have to fight hard to stay this young.

I think I need a haircut.

1 comment:

Rainbow Cotton Candy said...

so that's it? you're giving in? I encourage you to fight. fight for your right to be young and carefree. don't let all of your health problems wear you down. turn the other cheek. honestly i think you're on a downhill slope because you abuse your body. it's mad at you now. you should stop putting so many sugary sodas into in. you should take it out on a long walk every now and then(take Ava with you). if you become dependent on medication, I think you know what will happen to you(in my world anyway)...