Saturday, September 22, 2007

ima idiot

Funny story...

This morning I got out of the shower and after turning off the water I heard a weird noise that I had never heard before and that sounded to me like a fan blowing. I checked the bathroom fan and it wasn't on, but the noise was pretty loud. I looked out multiple windows to see if the neighbor was weed-eating, but they weren't. And I noticed that the further from the shower I got the less I heard it. I checked upstairs and outside and saw nothing unusual.

I told Rohini about it and she couldn't figure it out either so we called her dad and he came over. After he inspected it we concluded that it was coming from within the thin wall that separates the shower stall and the bath tub. We thought there must be some pipe in there that is messed up and is vibrating or something and somehow creating this noise.

I then got a chair and stuck it in the shower to check the light above it. I realized that the pipe coming from the wall to the shower head was vibrating and the sound would fluctuate as I shook it. So I removed the shower caddy that holds the multitudes of shampoos and conditioners and soap and what-not off the pipe coming from the wall and handed it to Rohini. As I did this I noted that the pipe had stopped vibrating and she noted that the shower caddy was still vibrating. What the H? We looked again and realized the razor I use, the Mach 3 Power, which is a normal razor but vibrates, was on the shower caddy. So, apparently, when I finished using it this morning in the shower I placed it on the shower caddy but failed to successfully turn it off.

It took us about 30 minutes to figure all this out and that silly little razor was so loud and it shook all the pipes in the wall so much that you could hear them when you stuck your ear to it. Crazy, huh? But really, its a good razor, you should try it, here's the link to it...
Gillette M3Power

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

maid in america

list of things i did today...

  1. change cat litter
  2. sweep laundry room
  3. wash dishes
  4. clean kitchen counters
  5. sweep kitchen floor
  6. mop kitchen floor
  7. sweep kitchen floor again where jonze knocked down the plant and dumped dirt everywhere
  8. clean automatic pet bowl
  9. mop kitchen floor again where i spilled lots of water trying to carry automatic pet bowl full of water
  10. pick up every dog/cat toy from the floor (i'm sure they're all back out by now)
  11. vacuum 2 living areas, dining area, and bedroom
  12. take out trash and recycling (not part of foreplay, but still very important)
i need a raise.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

mal likes ice cream

hi mal, i found this photo and concluded that you like ice cream. i also figured you'd like me to publicly post it so everyone else knows, too. so, here yeah go. :D

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I gave in. I got a haircut - by a professional. Well, kinda. It was SportsClips. She did a pretty decent job on it I think. Way better than that old dude in the mens barber shop in Plano. Here's some pics to check out. And one of Jonze too, cuz why the H not?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Weekend in Galveston/Houston

Well, we all seemed to have lotsa fun this last weekend in Galveston, or as I like to type it, Glaveston. That keeps our record of seeing each other every weekend intact for a little while longer. The sea certainly has made Mal more surly than ever - or I just forget easily. But it was all in good fun and I can't wait to go back.

The trip back has been extremely long and I am still tired from it all. It started at 3:30 this morning when Ruth and I left TAMUG in the dead of the night. All was well the first four-and-a-half hours. The highway wasn't even closed at NASA Rd 1 like we anticipated. Then around 8am we encroach upon the outskirts of Big D. The weather was clear up to this point, but there were giant thunderstorms parked right over the entire metroplex.

We cautiously stuttered our way into the downtown district before we decided to exit and the Harry Hines out to Parkland. Good thing we rented a pickup truck because all the low water crossings we waded through would have killed any compact car - actually we saw alot of small cars driving through these and I thought they were crazy, I'd never attempt that. We eventually arrived safely at Parkland just shy of ten o'clock.

Then I headed back to Plano to drop off the rental truck and pick up my car from the mechanics. That all went pretty smoothly, even the remaining low water crossings on Harry Hines. The weird thing was when the Enterprise guys dropped me off at the mechanics they sent four (4) guys with me in that truck. I don't know why they did that because they were all so squished in there.

Anyways, after all that I picked up some Wendy's drive-thru and went in to work a few minutes after noon. At about 12:44 (according the time on my Mac) I got hit with a HUGE wave of drowsiness. I was so tired, but I plunged on. Two things that helped me through my day: a cupcake, and a piece of cake. Luckily there were two birthdays today and I got a double dose of afternoon sugar (sounds kinky, I know - its not).

I decided to take off just a tad bit early to make sure I made it to my appointment with Dr. Jones on time. Of course, anytime you try this you'll be extremely early. There is never any real way to judge how long it will take to get to Uptown. But it worked out, I was outta there before I was even supposed to be there. And that just meant I get an hour of rush hour traffic sooner.

Now I'm home. I've eaten. I've checked my email. I haven't unpacked or done laundry, but those will probably just have to wait till tomorrow. I think its time to vegetate on the couch till I pass out (prob 3.5 min) and then when I wake up in confusion I'll stagger into bed and start the whole process all over again.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

here i come

hey ya'll, i'm coming down to galvseston this weekend. i hope yall are ready for some good ol fashion aaron fun! cuz i'm bringin the bongo set and we're gonna par-ty! see ya'll tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Took him (well, the bobblehead effigy of him) right off my desk. I didn't notice at first but found a big typed note taped to the shelf Schrute usually occupies. The note says that he is safe but if I ever want to see him again I'll bring a large bag of M&Ms to work next Wed and the switch will be made during the day. If I don't follow the instructions they will hand him over to Jim.

I guess I gotta do what they say. I could try to figure out who it is and extract him from enemy territory but that could be dangerous. It looks like they've won. I'm not worried about him though, he's a survivor. He'll pull through. I just hope he took his physician's desk reference book hollowed out with waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars, a NASA blanket, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in case he gets bored.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

blog? now?

Okay blog, here it goes...

Last week I dropped off (well, I guess thats not the most precise term) Rohini and Mal at college in Galveston. I spent over a week there with them helping them set things up, deciding on bathmats and furniture placement - all the details I know the most about. Its kinda weird, because I really do miss them already and its only been a few days and I spent so much time with them right before I came back to Dallas. I try to think about it in relation to me leaving my family in San Antonio and not seeing them for a few months at a time. But its different. I guess there is certain family that you love but in the back of your head you know that you'll someday have to leave the nest and go on to create your own little hub and you won't see them as often, but you'll still love them anyways. And then there's the new family that you never really think those things about, especially the one you promised to live with forever. Its sad, but not incredibly sad. Just sneaks up on ya, even though it wasn't exactly sudden. Or, I guess its just a more difficult thing to prepare for.

Meanwhile, back in Dallas... I was only back for one night, just enough time to say hi to the dogs/cats, let them know I am still alive, and then I was off to NY for two days. That trip was good. Nothing too eventful - good NY food, nice NY hotel, lots of NY walking, but the weather was really nice. The meetings were good too, lots of positivity and whatnot.

Now I'm back in Dallas (well, the rural suburbs) again and everything here is waiting for me. I don't know if its just because over the last ten nites I've only spent one here, or if its because I am now the sole zookeeper, but there's alot of stuff to do. I got Tolentino to pull the weeds, now I need to fill the beds with mulch. I need to mow, had time tonite, but Kumar (the man with the mower) was sleeping and I didn't want to just snatch it without permission. I need to vacuum and straighten up the house. I need to sort the mail - the bills, really. I did buy more dog food (thats something suspicious, that should have definitely lasted longer, maybe I should double check the portions Cyrus and Kumar have been using - I knew I should have made that dry erase board sign in chart) and more groceries (some healthy ones, too). I totally cleaned out the cat room and litter box and took out the trash and recycling. But I never go to designing more t-shirts. I'm now too tired for that, and maybe a little bit too tired for this. I guess that means I have alot tomorrow, not to mention chiropractor appointments and basketball games. And all of this with Rohini coming in on Thursday, my family coming in on Friday, and we're supposed to somehow find time to go pick up some furniture in Coppell (people moving out, furniture moving in, thats just great).

I apologize for saying that. I know Rohini is not moving out, its really just a more ironic way of saying it. But, of course, she does still live here and will be back in a few days. I can't wait. And neither can the dogs and cats. I can tell. Don't worry Rohini, they haven't forgotten you.